While we take every care to ensure that you are sent the correct items, mistakes can occasionally be made. If you find that you have received the wrong products we will happily replace them with the correct items at no charge to yourself. Simply start the return process by contacting us / M-F. You will then be provided with a prepaid shipping label to ship the incorrect item(s) back to us. Once we've received the items back to our warehouse we will ship out your replacement item(s) within 48 hours.
If you would like to return your items for a refund, you may do so within 7 days of receiving them. Items returned must be in a clean and unused condition as received. You will be responsible for return shipping for unwanted items. After we've received the item(s) back to our warehouse you will be refunded minus any return shipping charges within 48 hours.
Please note: All returns must be received back to our warehouse in clean, UNUSED condition. There are absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS if your product has been used.